The authority to impose House Rules originates in the The American Legion Department of Maryland By-Laws (2011)
ARTICLE XIII which state in Article XII section 7 ( Page 34):
Section 7. In order to maintain order and decorum within the Post facilities, nothing contained herein shall prohibit a Post, with or without a hearing, from suspending a member from the use of the Post facilities for a period not to exceed 90 days, provided however, that the member shall have the right to a hearing before the Post Executive Committee or the Post Membership if the member requests same in writing within ten (10) days after being advised of said suspension and said hearing shall be held within ten (10) days after the Post is so notified.
American Legion Post 7 House Rules
Enacted by Post Membership on Feb. 6, 2024
The American Legion Post 7 supports and enforces the laws of the State of Maryland,
Anne Arundel County, and all applicable Liquor Control Rules and Regulations. No
House Rule overrides these laws. The purpose of these House Rules is to provide our
members and their guests the rules that govern their conduct while in the Post or on
Post property.
Patron – Any authorized visitor to Post 7 (i.e., Legionnaires, Auxiliary members, Sons
of the American Legion, that are in good standing, and their guests).
Person-in-Charge (“PIC”) – The person responsible for making the day-to-day decisions
concerning the operation of Post Facilities. When on duty, it
is the Operations Manager and when the Operations Manager
is not on duty, the primary bartender.
Post Facility – Includes the lounge, kitchen, rental hall, parking lot, and outside recreation
Admission to the Post Facility
The privilege of using the Post Facility is for Post 7 Members, Auxiliary Members, Sons
of the American Legion (“S.A.L.”) that are in good standing.
a. All patrons are required to observe these standards of conduct.
b. Members must present current membership card or receipt that indicates payment of
current years dues upon request of the management.
c. Members are responsible for their guest’s conduct. Guests must depart when the
member departs. Guests must sign the guest book. Anyone allowing entry through
the door-buzzer system takes responsibility for validating the person’s access.
d. No children under 16 are allowed in the lounge after 9:00 PM. Before 9:00PM, they
must be under adult supervision. No one under 21 shall sit at the bar at any time.
e. The PIC must grant access to be on the roof, in the shed or trailer, or to enter the
retention pond area.
Hours of Operation
The Operations Manager, with consultation with the Executive Committee, will set the
Bar and Kitchen Hours of Operation. The Operations Manager will ensure the hours
are posted at the main entrance to the lounge. The Operations Manager or PIC may
terminate hours of operations for weather or safety issues.
Dress Code
Patrons shall dress appropriately for a public place. Clothing shall not be offensive, shall
cover the body appropriately, and be clean and neat. Shoes and shirts must be worn.
Consumption of Food and Beverages
NO alcoholic beverages will be brought on or taken off Post Property. Food and beverages
acquired elsewhere will not be allowed for consumption on Post Property. Patrons must be
21 to consume alcohol and must provide ID upon request. Only the on-duty bartender and
kitchen staff are permitted behind the bar or in the kitchen area during hours of operation.
NO alcoholic beverages will be consumed behind the bar or in the kitchen area. Employees
will not consume alcoholic beverages while on duty, including breaktime.
Personal Conduct
The PIC has full authority to enforce these House Rules. Patrons must abide by the PIC’s
decision regarding violations of these rules. They may order anyone to leave the Post
Facility who, in his/her judgment, has violated any of these rules or has engaged in any
conduct that is detrimental to the Post or another patron in the Post. The patron may
appeal this decision to the Executive Committee. Conduct detrimental to the Post or other
patrons includes (but is not limited to):
a. Verbal and physical altercations or confrontations.
b. Any personal attack in respect to sex, race, or religion.
c. Using loud, profane, vulgar, or abusive language.
d. Lewd, indecent, or sexual misconduct.
e. Carrying a lethal weapon of any type except by on duty law enforcement officers
(even if the patron possesses a concealed carry permit). Carrying a small common
folding pocketknife does not violate these rules if the knife is legal to carry in the
State of Maryland.
f. Theft or destruction of Post property. Any patron who removes or damages property
of Post 7 shall cause the Member to be liable for damage and be subject to
disbarment from the Post.
g. Any illegal use of controlled substances while on Post property. Additionally, the
Anne Arundel County cannabis law applies to American Legion Post 7: Any
cannabis (and Hemp) smoking is prohibited in any public area or motor vehicle. A
public area includes indoor and outdoor spaces open to the public (e.g., parks,
sidewalks, and restaurants). Although Post 7 has an outdoor smoking area, no
smoking or vaping of cannabis or hemp is permitted anywhere on Post Facility.
h. Intoxication - the bartender-on-duty shall stop serving any patron who is intoxicated.
i. Tampering with locks, lights, and cameras or security system in any way.
j. Disruption or interference with events being held on the premises.
Patrons will not interfere with the duties of Post employees. No patron shall
reprimand an employee of the Post outside of the Executive Committee Meeting.
Any suggestions or criticism concerning the Post operation, or the conduct of its
employees shall be in writing, dated, signed, and submitted to the Executive
Lounge Events
All forms of entertainment / amusement shall stop 30 minutes prior to closing time.
The PIC can set an earlier than posted closing time based on lounge occupancy.
During dinning hours, the PIC will ensure diners are able to enjoy their meals and
company by limiting noise levels (i.e., pool playing, music, darts, or shuffleboard).
Credit Card Processing
Credit cards will be accepted with a minimum of a $10 charge. Members and their
guests may run a tab. However, this privilege may be withheld during events that
are open to the public. Any patron that leaves without paying their tab will incur a
20% fee in addition to what they owe.
Handling of Medical Emergency and Incidents
The PIC will take charge of any medical emergency. They may defer to any patron
who is a medical professional (i.e., a doctor, physician assistant, nurse, or paramedic).
Any Post Officer who is present will assist by clearing the area and calling 911, if
necessary. Any patron who slips and falls on Post property should not be moved until
medical personnel arrive or thepatron gets up on their own and publicly refuses medical