
Guy C. Parlett Post 7 Department of Maryland



American Legion Post 7 Standing Rules

Enacted by Post Membership on February 6, 2024





The American Legion Post 7 (“Post 7”) supports and enforces the Laws of The State of

Maryland and of Anne Arundel County including all applicable Liquor Control Rules and

Regulations. No Standing Rule shall be deemed to override these laws. These standing rules

supplement the Department of Maryland mandated Constitution and By-Laws for Post 7. The

major advantage in using Standing Rules is the flexibility to add, amend, or delete Rules

without prior notice, and by a majority vote at Membership Meetings. Post 7 may give advance

notice of a motion on a Rule to give Members additional time to consider and discuss.




Section 1. The Post shall have a First, Second and Third Vice Commander.

Section 2. In addition to the officers specified in the Constitution and Bylaws, the

                  Commander shall appoint a Service officer.




Section 1. In addition to the elected officers of the Post, the Post shall have two elected

                  members at large.

Section 2. Employees of the Post hired by the Executive Committee shall not hold an

                  elective or appointed office in the Post. However, personnel contracted for

                  periodic business with the Post may hold an elected or appointed office if

                  they are Post members in good standing.

Section 3. The Executive Committee shall meet for organizational and such other

                   business as may come before it on the first Tuesday of each month, or at

                   the call of the Post Commander. Under emergency circumstances, the Post

                   Commander or three Executive Committee members may call a special

                   meeting of the Executive Committee.

Section 4. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to hire business and legal-

                   related personnel/firms such as: Certified Public Accountants, lawyers, auditors,

                   bondsmen, etc. The Executive Committee shall also insure there is adequate

                   bond for all persons having custody of Post funds: shall hear all reports; and

                   shall have charge of and be responsible for the management of all the affairs

                   of the Post.




Section 1. Post Membership Meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of the month,

                  following the Executive Committee meeting.

Section 2. In the event of an emergency, the Commander may reschedule, conduct

                  the meeting using an online forum (e.g., Zoom or Microsoft Teams), or cancel

                  a regularly scheduled Post Membership Meeting.




Section 1. In performing its assigned mission, the Executive Committee shall have the

                  authority to hire such employees and contractors as is necessary to operate

                  the Post. The Operations Manager and the Adjutant is responsible to manage

                  the Post and its property.

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall authorize or recommend, as applicable, all

                   non-budgeted expenditures exceeding $1,000. Any emergency maintenance

                   or repairs necessary to maintain the efficient operations of the Post under

                   $1,000 must be by written contract and be approved by the Commander, or

                   his designee, before it is performed. Other than the Commander

                   (or Vice-Commander by Delegation), no Officer or Executive Committee

                   Member may authorize or obligate Post Funds, to include food or beverages

                   in the lounge, for any service(s) performed at the Post without the approval of

                   the Post members, executive committee in an emergency not to exceed 1,000.00,

                   or the commander not to exceed $1,000.00 in an emergency.




Section 1. The Operations Manager shall have the authority to formulate such rules of

                  conduct as may be necessary for the maintenance of good order in the Post.

                  Approval and enforcement are under the purview of the Executive Committee.

                  Final ratification of any House Rules lies with the Post Membership. Approved

                  House Rules will be prominently displayed in the Post.

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to enforce those rules of

                  conduct as outlined in Article IV of the National By-Laws of The American

                  Legion, Article XIII of the Department of Maryland By-Laws of The American

                  Legion, Post 7’s Constitution, By-Laws, and House Rules (e.g., disloyalty,

                  neglect of duty, dishonesty, and conduct unbecoming a member of The American





Section 1. Disciplinary decisions pertaining to misconduct on Post property by any

                  individual will be conducted by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Written Reprimands. The Post Commander, with Executive Committee

                  approval, has the authority to issue a Letter of Warning to a Post member

                  in lieu of a disciplinary hearing for minor infractions of Post House Rules.

Section 3. Suspensions. The Post Commander, with Executive Committee approval,

                  may suspend a Post member from Post property for up to 90 days pending

                  a hearing from the Executive Committee per the Department of Maryland

                  By-Laws. Further, the Post Commander may ask if the member wants to

                  accept the suspension as their disciplinary action in lieu of a hearing. If the

                  Post member chooses to accept the suspension, the Post member forfeits

                  their right to a hearing and appeal to the Executive Committee.

Section 4. Hearings. Hearings will be conducted by a minimum of the Judge Advocate,

                  or if unavailable a Judge Advocate from another American Legion post, and

                  three members of the Executive Committee. The Post Commander should

                  not be one of three -member Executive Committee Hearing Panel and must

                  not be present during any of the hearings. If the Judge Advocate is unable to

                  participate in the hearing, the Post Commander shall appoint a presiding judge

                  from the Executive Committee for the hearing.




Section 1. All funds will be removed from machines daily (preferably prior to the Post

                  opening for business on the next day of business) by an Executive Committee

                  designee, consistent with our insurance requirements.


Section 2. The funds will be counted, payments will be processed, and both will be

                   compared, reconciled, and consolidated with computer documentation for

                   each machine and the payout totals on our internal POS system.

Section 3. If a discrepancy occurs, the funds will be secluded until verification can

                  occur by the Operations Manager or Finance Officer.

Section 4. When funds and reports are authenticated, the funds will be merged with all

                  other daily receipts and income. Appropriate reports and documentation will be


Section 5. Physical access to the validation system is in the facility office. A keypad on

                  the office door requires an access code be entered. Keys to access the machines



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