
Guy C. Parlett Post 7 Department of Maryland



From our Service Officer: 


Requesting Replacement of Awards and Medals

Have you lost or misplaced your military service medals, decorations, or awards that you OR a family member earned and want to replace them?   Go to www.military.com/benefits/records-and-forms/military-awards-medals-decorations.html for information on how to request replacements from the specific branch of the military in which the veteran served. 

Requesting Replacements of Military Service Records

Is your DD-214 difficult to read and/or you want to replace it for a new copy? Go to www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records for information on how to request a copy of your OR a family member’s Service Record.  Military personnel records can include DD-214’s/Separation Documents, service personnel records found within the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF), and medical records. Military personnel records can be used not only for proving military service information but also as a valuable tool in genealogical research. 



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How can I get a copy of my DD Form 214, Report of Separation (or equivalent form)? Read more...

Where can I call for help or immediate assistance? Read more...

How can I learn about benefits for dependents and families? Read more...

How does the National Archives protect the privacy of veterans records? Read more...

I've heard that NPRC will be scanning my military records and destroying the original documents, and that I can have the paper file if I request it. Is that true? Read more...

My great grandfather served in the Civil War (Revolutionary War, War of 1812, etc.) How do I obtain information concerning his military service? Read more...

There is an ongoing "myth" that "10 million medical records" were found.  Are these duplicates of the records that were burned? Read more...

How can I get my medals or those of my family? Read more...

What form do I use to request information from military service records? Read more...

How can I locate someone who is currently serving on active duty in the Armed Forces? Read more...

How can I get an address roster to get in touch with old service buddies? Read more...

How do I apply for my Cold War Recognition Certificate? Read more...

Are military personnel and health records stored at any locations other than NPRC? Read more...

How do I get a blueprint, plan, or drawing for a military vehicle such as a ship, plane, or tank? Read more...

How do I get casualty information for various wars? Read more...

Can I get a list of soldiers who fought in the xxx War, from my city/state/etc.? Read more...

What military records would be useful for genealogical research? Read more..